Claim Your Employee Retention Tax Credit Money Today
The ORA has partnered with Adesso Capital to help our members file for their ERC funds. The Adesso team has helped hundreds of restaurants across the U.S. claim an average of $150,000 in ERC funds per filing. Adesso’s tax experts can estimate how much ERC funds you may be eligible for with one ten-minute phone call. Once you know how much ERC money you can expect, the Adesso team will file for you with the IRS. And Adesso will monitor the progress of your filing until you receive your ERC funds. There’s no need to wait for your funds while the IRS processes your filing. You can get an advance against your anticipated ERC payout* and get up to 50 percent of your ERC cash within days. Restaurant Relief serves up what your restaurant needs to continue to work your way back to business as usual. We urge you to take advantage of this program and get the cash you need to keep your recovery moving forward.
Adesso Capital has already returned over $1 Million to date - and rising!!
Adesso Capital has already returned over $1 Million to date - and rising!!
Adesso Capital Will Pay for One Year of Your Membership
Adesso Capital will pay for one year of ORA membership for restaurants who use Adesso Capital's services to claim their ERC money. If current ORA members use Adesso Capital, they will pay for one year of membership renewal.